We offer specific training for our clients to continue to build upon the gains made in physical therapy. We do this because we are the best at what we do and physical therapy will only take you so far. Our end goal is that you feel strong, amazing, and have a plan to stay that way. Professional athletes have a team of professionals who keep them put together and they view their body as an asset. Let us be on your team and protect your asset!
Performance Therapy programs are utilized when an injured person/athlete wants to focus on progressions getting back to a higher level of function. Insurance-based therapy does not cover return to high level movements or sport. This program allows our clients to return to what they love doing without any worry or lingering pain. We focus on specific movements to correct dysfunction and poor movement patterns that may contribute to pain with activity.
These programs are built based on what your fitness goals are. A lot of our clients who choose this are looking to further improve overall fitness, work on sport specific training, or build injury prevention programs.
This program is centered around sport specific training and is customizable for in-season and off-season training. We focus on corrective exercise, conditioning, and strengthening to give the athlete the best possible tools to thrive in their sport without worry or concern about injury
Can’t make it in to see us? Let us program your home workouts, supplemental work, sport specific training program. Easy to use digital platform, we send a link to download the app and can send as many workouts per week as you desire. Most of our clients receive 3-5 workouts per week from their head training coach and PT. This is perfect for people who like to workout at home and cannot make it in to see us. It is also fantastic for people who already train somewhere and are looking for additional work to stay strong in all the right areas to stay injury free.